Directed by Ava Majumdar
Shot by Fatosh Olgacher
Edited by Aiysha Shahid
Concept and Assistance by Arlo, Hannah and Hiwet

LAWA (Latin American Women's Aid) is a charity that helps women from South America that have been victims of gender-based violence. It also runs community-based programmes to target loneliness and isolation among migrant women. I directed and edit produced this video as well as carrying out research interviews with the women involved and a translator to ensure the script was all in their own words. 


Directed and Edited by Ava Majumdar
Shot by Ava Majumdar and Joshua Lamptey
Graphics by Matthew Baldwin 

I directed and edited this short documentary about Lowe Seger who is an artist and photographer. He explains his creative practice and the work he created for his recent exhibition, Immutable. His work explores the impact of technology on day-to-day life and human interaction. 


Directed by Ava Majumdar
Shot by Joshua Lamptey and Leanne Rogers 
Edited by Aiysha Shahid
Graphics and Sound Design by Matthew Baldwin

Big City Butterflies was created by Butterfly Conservation to inspire Londoners to discover butterflies and moths and connect them with nature. I directed and edit-produced this video in which participants describe what this project has meant to them and how it has benefitted their mental health and wellbeing.


Direction, Concept and Script by Ava Majumdar
Animation and Sound Design by Matthew Baldwin

School-Home Support is charity that reduces educational inequality and supports families by getting children back into school. I scripted this animated video based on interviews with families and practitioners the charity partnered them with. We created this video to help launch a fundraising campaign which reached its target of £30,000 suppported by The Childhood Trust. 


Directed and Produced by Ava Majumdar 
Shot by Joshua Lamptey

I directed this video for UCL documenting a programme for young people that gave them the opportunity to create and curate artwork about power. They worked with the institution to question hierarchies of power and reflect on what feels powerful to them.